About Slovenianbears.com
Slovenianbears offers the best options in Central Europe for bear watching and photography. For this, we have a network of 8 hides that can either be booked separately or visited within the scope of a photo tour.
We are an officially labelled bear friendly company. That means we aim at providing memorable experiences with brown bears whilst ensuring highest ecotourism standards.
Our visitors have high chances of seeing and photographing wild brown bears since our hides are located in an area that holds one of the world’s richest densities of brown bears. Moreover the hides are selected carefully regarding location and light availability.
Whilst offering our visitors best watching and photographing opportunities we strive to keep pressure on brown bears minimal. We do so by not constantly using all hides, by briefing our guests thoroughly, by providing only limited amounts of food at hide locations and by thinking ahead: The number of hides in our network shall remain at the current level to keep the experience special and sustainable.
Why do we feed? Slovenia as many other European countries have a long-lasting history of providing food for wildlife in specifically assigned hunting locations. Our hide-network has been set up in cooperation with local hunters, we use the same locations and place limited amounts of food, respectively corn. The quantities are defined by official institutions and are strictly controlled per year and site.
Slovenianbears also cooperates with a number of local companies, guides and employees.
Thereby, revenues stay in the region and create a positive feedback loop. Locals make a living of their natural resources, visitors appreciate the experience of nature and wildlife and thefore brown bears, which are an integral part of our rich natural heritage, have greater chances of long-term survival.